

Jonathan Stone


Jonathan and his wife, Carmen, have been involved with Chick-fil-A since 2008, when he took a part-time position at a local Chick-fil-A restaurant to help pay for their upcoming honeymoon. Since then, their Chick-fil-A journey has taken them to multiple states, restaurants, and various positions in Chick-fil-A leadership.

Jonathan has served as a Director of Operations at a Chick-fil-A location, was selected for Chick-fil-A’s Interim Manager Program, and was previously the Owner/Operator of Chick-fil-A Berkshire Mall beginning in 2016 before relocating to Chick-fil-A 5th Street Hwy at its opening in 2020.

The Stones are passionate about spending time as a family and being involved in their community. They’re actively involved in their church, enjoy the great outdoors, and are thrilled to serve the Temple community.